Thursday, August 24, 2006

On The Virgin Spring

I went to see "The Virgin Spring" (1960) directed by Ingmar Bergman last night as an exercise for the Literary RPG Society of Westcheter. The objective was to look at the film from the point of view of Gamesmasters and World Weavers and see what I could make of it.

I enjoyed the film and believe I got some useful thoughts from it, though I must say, it was rather horrible to watch the rape scene. It was very realistic, and then the evil brothers killed the girl. So that was hard to watch, actually. But anyway, besides that scene it was a great film. A redemption story ultimately, though modern American audiences will probably find it a distasteful message.

In any event I posted my observations about the film on the LRPGSW here:

LRPGSW: On The Virgin Spring

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