Well, I'm making steady progress with the Elthos RPG System. It's taking a lot of time to get this together but it's coming along nicely. I have a lot of the project completed.
Phase I Features
.. Manage Contact Information
.. Manage Their Own Characters
.. Run Player Reports
.. Manage Worlds
.. Manage Players
.. Manage Campaigns
.. Manage Adventure Groups
.. Manage Characters
.. Select Guild Classes
.. Select Skills & Powers
.. Purchase/Sell Equipment, Weapons, Armor
.. Run Gamesmaster Reports
The current Phase I System is called Elthos ODS (One Die System) which is a picnic table or Pub game designed to be played offline, but using the online site to setup worlds and adventures, roll characters, and so on. The output is a package of Player Character sheets, Campaign Info, and various General Resolution Matrix outputs that compare Adventure Groups in terms of what is required to Hit with physical weapons, or mystical powers. Overall I tried to design this system to fit my own requirements as a GM. I think it will be very helpful.
So far so good. But next will be a play testing phase, and a finalization phase on the features. Hopefully I will be able to put the Phase I system online reasonably soon.