Sunday, August 24, 2008

Website Advancement

This weekend I spent (in between preparing for Aikido Test on Sunday) working on the website. First, I had to find a new home for the Elthos Domain, which I settled on parking at Then I needed an ASP / SQL host site and settled on EDTHosting. Not too bad. Then, I wanted to change some stuff on the website itself. It *was* all html before, but now I've converted everypage over to Microsoft ASP.Net (2.0) so that I can use the MasterPages, which makes handling the look and feel of the whole website much easier. It took about four hours or so to do so. I then went through and spruced things up a bit to give it all a nicer look. I think it's come out quite nicely. Here's the link: Elthos Website

Friday, August 15, 2008

And yet more Elthos Creatures

Krangor the Fighter practicing

Morad the Eagle by a window

Krangor practicing Warding

Brukus the Ogre Guarding a Dungeon Doorway
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More Elthos Creatures

Thralik the Ogre Guarding a Doorway

Rilkrok the Goblin on Guard duty

Lt. Deputy Pijoan Guarding a Doorway

Hrargar the Ogre at the cave entrance
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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Elthos Creatures

These are a few sketches of goblins, an Ogre and a mystical Snakeman from the Elthos World.

Tenik the Goblin guarding a doorway

Drellik and Kriknit, two Goblins, guarding a doorway

Horak the Ogre guarding a doorway

Thane Val Hakor III, Mystic Snakeman
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Friday, August 01, 2008

Elthos ODS Rules - Finalized

As of today the Elthos ODS ("One Die System") Rules have been finalized, finally. That was a lot of work, I must say, for such a short set of rules! I started the ODS in February of 2006 in coordination with the Literary Role Playing Game Society of Westchester. Since we hold our meetings at a local pub I wanted a light weight system that would not require a lot of rules books and paraphernalia, and one where the math would be simple enough to do in our heads. Since the LRPGSW is focused on story-creation it seemed like it would be a good fit for our group so I got to work. After about a month I had the core system. The rest of the time has been spent analyzing, polishing, and researching, as well as building the super-deluxe Elthos ODS Web Application, which has another six months or more of polishing before it will be ready for production. But the Rules Book is complete and that's a very satisfying milestone for the project.

Yay! :)