Here we go... And as always, I look forward to hearing any thoughts you folks may have on this. Thanks!
Tim Baker:
I'm working to compile a list of tabletop RPG settings that permit fans to legally use intellectual property in non-commercial projects. Examples I've gathered can be found here:
If you know others, please reply and share the URL. Thanks in advance!
Elthos RPG Mythos Machine offers a Mutual Collaboration Society framework for this purpose. Publicly shared content on the Mythos Machine allows other GMs to use the shared content freely for commercial or non-commercial purposes, with no restrictions but a request for attribution reference to Elthos RPG. This is laid out in the terms of service.
Tim Baker:
Thanks for the pointer! Do you have a URL handy, by any chance?
No problem. I'm glad you asked this. The Mutual Collaboration Society idea is something I created with the hope that we can cultivate creativity through sharing ideas freely. While also retaining the ability to chose to keep our things private if we so choose.
Terms of Service can be found here:
Tim Baker:
Thank you. I'm checking it out now.
The Mutual Collaboration Society part is pretty far down the ToS so keep scrolling till you see the Mutual Collaboration Society Rules on the right in the yellow English bubbles. I'll be curious to hear what you think of this framework. You're the first person I've run into who has specifically requested this kind of thing. So let me know if you like it, please, or if you think there's anything wrong with it especially. Thanks!
Tim Baker:
If I'm reading this right, then as long as someone creates an account, they're able to take the Proto-Worlds or any of the Public Worlds' Public Things and could write about them in a fanzine. Unlike many community use policies, they could even charge for the fanzine, if they so desired, and it would continue to fall under the ToS. Is that accurate in the way I'm reading it?
Yes. In other words, when you make your World Public, then the things in it that you have also made Public fall under the MCS agreement, and therefore can be used thereafter for any project, commercial or non-commercial. Thus, GMs who do not want to share their work under that condition are able to keep their things Private (which is the default). The idea is to allow things to be shared, and to allow people to use the shared works as they wish.
Also note that the attribution policy includes this:
In Addition, it is recommended and requested that when using Publically Shared Works from the Mythos Machine in any derivative works (such as books, movies, games, etc) of other creators on the site, that you provide an Attribution of their user name in your works.
Attribution should look like:
"This product has utilized Publically Shared Works by
Tim Baker:
Cool! That makes sense. I'll get that updated on the original post on The Piazza forums. Thanks for sharing this with me.
You're welcome! I'm glad you think so! I have worked very hard to put this platform together, and I hope it makes a solid foundation upon which people are encouraged to share their creativity in a share-and-share-alike modality. My goal is to encourage creativity, and I always felt that the current highly restrictive model is impeding people from allowing their creativity to flow freely.