Maelstrom 2014 took place at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Morristown New Jersey this weekend (April 4-6). It was an experimental format. Here's what the organizers originally stated:
"In collaboration with Steve Segedy of Games on Demand, Double Exposure advances the concept of unstructured gaming, as we run an entire convention without a fixed schedule! Role Playing, Story Games, LARPs, Board & Card Games, Wargames - everything we'd normally run at DREAMATION and DEXCON - will be played when the Gamemasters and the players are ready - and without time limits. New Gamemasters will have an opportunity to be mentored by those who have more experience, and players can be exposed to new game systems at any time they choose. Groups of players can form at any time to play a game or learn a game."
To read more:
This was a very interesting experiment on a much looser organization for gaming than in the usual Double Exposure conventions. The attendance on the other hand was low because the idea was hatched without much fanfare or lead time, however, despite that, it was a lot of fun and the people seemed to very much like the new format. I ran a demonstration table for my game system (Elthos), which was a great experience for me, and gave me very useful feedback. I had, overall, a great time and learned a lot from the experience.
The setup is designed to allow flexibility in the organization of play groups. For me, well, I was busy manning my demo table, and so didn't have much chance to browse around and really experience the thing, so my account is based on what I gleaned during conversations with gamers that I met during the Convention. So you can take my viewpoint with the appropriate grain of salt., but that's the report as I heard it. But from what I gather, the positive side of the idea is that people can spontaneously join what they like as they browse around and hear pitches for games. This can help new comers to pitch their games without running into the problem that most people may have already per-selected other games prior to the convention based on their already settled preferences. In other words, as far as I can tell, it's a cool way to give new games a foot in the door. On the down side, for some, I heard feedback suggesting that it was a bit confusing and some people wound up wandering around not quite sure what to do. There are some kinks that the organizers are working out.
To get a feel for how the thing looks I took some pictures during my brief jaunts away from my table.
My booth was set up with a computer monitor to show what the Web Application does (World Weaving Studio and Gamesmaster's Toolbox). It looked like this:
My friend Charles Hoge leapt into action as soon as we found out I had a table, which came as a complete and unexpected surprise-gift to us. He's a really talented Marketing Guru and put together the posters, and business cards, and Elthos Gamesmaster's Mini GM-Shield Post Cards with the General Resolution Matrix on one side. Charles, by the way, has been one of my Play Testers since 2011, and played the Infamous Ischandar Character, as well as Bantum the Gentle Giant, and Praymar, the Insidious-Something-We're-Not-Quite-Sure. He came by to help out with the table and chat people up as well, which was fantastic. He's a great guy, a super friend, and all around awesome gamer. Special Shout-Out and Thanks, Charles!
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I also had the chance to run some demo games, which was a lot of fun and very instructive! Here's the game board I concocted for the event. It is a terrain map with pieces on the board. On the right is the General Resolution Matrix. The green blobbies on the board are Hedges which afford safety, but slow movement and severely hampered attacks. The brown blobbies are Rocky Knolls on which combatants can climb for 3 movement points (pieces have 6 movement), and get a +2 Attack Level and Armor Class. The objective is to get to the far side of the board and capture the other team's flag. Combat will ensue.
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Another cool thing about the Convention is that they have a Board Game Library that's open for borrowing. It's got what looks like hundreds of awesome games, so if you want to try a game, without necessarily plunking down the cashola for it up front, you might be able to find it in the Library and give it a whirl. Charles and I also me Kevin Grieves who's a long time associate with the event. Great guy, very helpful and engaging. Thanks for the tips, Kevin!
Here's a few shots of people and things along the way...
And a final shout out to Vincent Salzillo who organized the event: Thanks! That was great!
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