The GM Style Badges is a very neat expression of many discussions regarding the different Gamesmastering Styles that have evolved over time. The original GM Merit Badges (note: I changed the name to "Style Badges" as it seems to make more sense) were posted on Strange Magic Blog, and the artwork was contributed by someone named Lorc (thank you kindly!). I am posting the full set of badges and their original descriptions here because on Strange Magic the last two sets of new badges are not separated into individual graphics files, and so are not as easily downloaded as the others. I have discerned that there are two basic groups, the Story Aspect and the Mechanical Orientation, so I have separated them into those two groups. Also note that some GM Style Badges go better together than others. And also note that in some cases they can be mutually exclusive. You can use the Badges by downloading them (to do that right click and click 'Save As') and using them in your blog (or elsewhere). The only request I have seen so far is that if you do so, please include Lorc's name somewhere so that he (or she) can get credit for their work. Thanks & Enjoy!
Story Aspect
My games will tell an interesting Story
My games will be Scary
My games focuses on Exploration & Mystery
My games are Gonzo and can include a lot of strangeness
Characters in my games are Destined for greatness, not random death
My games include Disturbing content
My games focus on interesting Characters and Drama
My games are more of the Social, Fun and "Beer & Pretzels" style
My games are Safe and you don't need to worry about content or character death
Mechanical Orientation
My game focuses on Player Skill rather than character abilities
My game is primarily Non-Combat in nature
My game has Shared GMing responsibility with the other players
I roll Dice in the open and don't fudge the results in my games
I play By-The-Book and "rule-zero" is not being used to alter existing rules
I frequently Tinker with the rules of the game
Tactics are an important part of my games
Players in my game should be prepared to Run when the odds are against them
There will be Player vs Player combat allowed in my games
I will Mirror back player ideas I think are interesting in the game
My games use a pre-made Map and pre scripted content
My games rely on a lot of Improvisation rather than pre scripted content
The GM is In Charge in my games and "rule-zero" is in effect
Players characters Death is a likely event in my games
My game is more enjoyable when I keep my GMing style Unknown
GM Style Badges Matrix
(Story across the top, Mechanics down the side)
And of course...
Elthos RPG Merit Badge Selections
This is pretty cool of you! How about throwing them together in a zip file, along with a PDF copy of this post and then I'll host it at my blog in the downloads section?
I dare say, this is very enjoyable indeed! I will have to put something similar together myself, as I am sure it gives a decent idea of my own personal style.
Do you mind if I use it on my own blog? Possibly as a flavorful addition to my "About" page? All due reference to this post of course!
Sure Chris, glad you enjoyed it. Feel free.
Thanks Arris! That's great. Did you work on this project, by chance? If so I'd like to discuss some extensions to it with you. Thanks again. Great job.
This is new version of
GM Badges builder
Delete previous comment ;)
Sure, I wrote the script within a couple evenings based on your article!
wrote me arris_icq (at)
Nicely done Arris. I will send your link around. It's a good start at what we're eventually aiming for. :)
Great worked and good for share great Blog. thanks also see this link for customized badges
customized badges
Now, all we need are GM Flaw Badges...
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