In ancillary news we had the first Gamesmaster Workshop through the Literary Role Playing Game Society of Westchester. The subject of the Workshop was "Improvisational Narratives" for Gamesmasters. Initially we planned this as a live activity through the local meetups at the Cobblestone Tavern. Then it was suggested that we try this on IRC as well. So I selected the MagicStar network, posted a notice or two on theRPGSite and the LRPGSW Meetup & Yahoo Group, posted a request for scheduling preferences on www.doodle.com, and voila. I was very happy with the results.
Here are the original GM Workshop Instructions.
We had four participants, which was just right for a one hour Workshop, as it gave us each 15 minutes for the exercise. We also had a few lurkers who wanted to watch the proceedings. The event was fast and furious and a lot of fun. And I think we all got something out of it. So we'll be doing those on a regular basis, and they will be scheduled through the LRPGSW Meetup Site, in case you want to follow the scheduled IRC activities.
So that was a lot of fun. My thanks to the participants and observers. I look forward to the next one.
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